Source code for dagster_slack.hooks

from typing import Callable, Optional

from dagster._core.definitions import failure_hook, success_hook
from dagster._core.execution.context.hook import HookContext

def _default_status_message(context: HookContext, status: str) -> str:
    return "Op {op_name} on job {pipeline_name} {status}!\nRun ID: {run_id}".format(,

def _default_failure_message(context: HookContext) -> str:
    return _default_status_message(context, status="failed")

def _default_success_message(context: HookContext) -> str:
    return _default_status_message(context, status="succeeded")

[docs]def slack_on_failure( channel: str, message_fn: Callable[[HookContext], str] = _default_failure_message, dagit_base_url: Optional[str] = None, ): """Create a hook on step failure events that will message the given Slack channel. Args: channel (str): The channel to send the message to (e.g. "#my_channel") message_fn (Optional(Callable[[HookContext], str])): Function which takes in the HookContext outputs the message you want to send. dagit_base_url: (Optional[str]): The base url of your Dagit instance. Specify this to allow messages to include deeplinks to the specific pipeline run that triggered the hook. Examples: .. code-block:: python @slack_on_failure("#foo", dagit_base_url="http://localhost:3000") @job(...) def my_job(): pass .. code-block:: python def my_message_fn(context: HookContext) -> str: return f"Op {context.op} failed!" @op def an_op(context): pass @job(...) def my_job(): an_op.with_hooks(hook_defs={slack_on_failure("#foo", my_message_fn)}) """ @failure_hook(required_resource_keys={"slack"}) def _hook(context: HookContext): text = message_fn(context) if dagit_base_url: text += "\n<{base_url}/instance/runs/{run_id}|View in Dagit>".format( base_url=dagit_base_url, run_id=context.run_id ) context.resources.slack.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=text) # type: ignore return _hook
[docs]def slack_on_success( channel: str, message_fn: Callable[[HookContext], str] = _default_success_message, dagit_base_url: Optional[str] = None, ): """Create a hook on step success events that will message the given Slack channel. Args: channel (str): The channel to send the message to (e.g. "#my_channel") message_fn (Optional(Callable[[HookContext], str])): Function which takes in the HookContext outputs the message you want to send. dagit_base_url: (Optional[str]): The base url of your Dagit instance. Specify this to allow messages to include deeplinks to the specific pipeline run that triggered the hook. Examples: .. code-block:: python @slack_on_success("#foo", dagit_base_url="http://localhost:3000") @job(...) def my_job(): pass .. code-block:: python def my_message_fn(context: HookContext) -> str: return f"Op {context.op} worked!" @op def an_op(context): pass @job(...) def my_job(): an_op.with_hooks(hook_defs={slack_on_success("#foo", my_message_fn)}) """ @success_hook(required_resource_keys={"slack"}) def _hook(context: HookContext): text = message_fn(context) if dagit_base_url: text += "\n<{base_url}/instance/runs/{run_id}|View in Dagit>".format( base_url=dagit_base_url, run_id=context.run_id ) context.resources.slack.chat_postMessage(channel=channel, text=text) # type: ignore return _hook